Hi Simon,

The login page does show up at /foo/bar . But the form submits to
At which point the original url is lost. I'm using quickform here too.

I'm not really redirecting to display the login page I don't think. In
preDispatch all I do is override what controller (login) and action (index)
to run.
So I am getting to the login action whilst at /foo/bar . The problem is in
the form submission submitting to /login/index . I need it to submit to that
url and then redirect back to /foo/bar/whatever/values

I suppose in the login action I could get the url (how do you do this?) and
pass that around with flashmessenger or in a hidden field in the login form.


On 7/10/07, Simon Mundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Dylan
Is there a reason you need to redirect rather than forward? If you had
your preDispatch perform a _forward instead of a complete redirect then you
could perform the login at the address /foo/bar instead of /login/index and
there'd be no need to capture and re-assemble that url.

Alternatively you could use the FlashMessenger action helper to store such
a URL and retrieve it after a successful login or re-set it every
unsuccessful login to ensure it persists.

Hi all

When a user accesses a restricted page on my site and they have no
identity a plugin in preDispatch sets the controller to login and action to
index to render the page /login/index

This works fine. However I want to redirect to the url they were initially
trying to access after they login.

I was thinking of doing something like this in the plugin.

$request->setParam('redirectController', $request->getControllerName());
$request->setParam('redirectAction', $request->getActionName());

And then passing the data to a hidden field in my login form such as

This gets complicated though. If I want to pass any keys/values.

I could do something like this.

$request->setParam('redirectParams', $request->getParams());

But this won't work for everything as I am using custom routes that fuddle
up getParams(). Ie one of my routes overrides the
/controller/action/key/value/key/value scheme to
/controller/action/value1/value2/value3 and stores the values as an array in
its own param.

So really I can't simply just iterate through getParams to build my
redirect url.

I kind of want to access the requestUrl or pathInfo which I noticed is
protected in the request object.

Then I can simply use this to redirect after a login. Is this possible and
what is the difference between the two?

Does anybody have any ideas? Is there an alternate approach?

Hope this makes sense.



Simon Mundy | Director | PEPTOLAB

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