Hi David,

Please take a look at "Zend_Search_Lucene. Best practice. Indexing performance." documentation section - http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.search.lucene.best-practice.html#zend.search.lucene.best-practice.indexing-performance

With best regards,
   Alexander Veremyev.

David Harrison wrote:
Not directly related to your query, but did you have any problems
building an index of that size with the PHP version? My tests on large
collections (100,000 items +) has the index failing with out-of-memory
errors. I was able to fix it by setting memory_limit explicitly at the
top of the script, but I don't think we have such problems with the
java version.

On the topic - before I start having problems with memory limits and
the framework throwing exceptions, I do seem to be able to search up
to 100,000 items at fast speeds (ie, less than a second to return
results, regardless of how many results are returned).

-- dave

On 7/14/07, Kris Jurka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm having some performance problems with a Lucene index comparing the
PHP version to the Java version.  I've got 672213 documents and searches
for small results come back very quickly:

$ ./searchtest.php fred
Search in: 0.0557591915131
Hits: 170

When I search for something that returns more results, the time
increases dramatically:

$ ./searchtest.php 'hey there good looking'
Search in: 7.81737494469
Hits: 60847

The Java version of Lucene doesn't have a problem with more results:

$ java -classpath lucene-core-2.2.0.jar:. SearchTest 'hey there good
Search in: 0.264
Hits: 38494

Is this a known issue?  Can someone point me in the direction of fixing
this?  I've got a client with a production website getting killed
because they didn't test carefully before deploying.

Kris Jurka

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