On Jul 17, 2007, at 1:31 PM, Thomas Weidner wrote:

The next point is that we have first to find a zend member who looks
through the changes before we commit them.

No, in most cases, you can simply have another contributor review your

And exact here is my personal problem ;-)

I am the main author and only person who codes all the I18N classes.
There is no other contributor. So I must ask Zend to review my code.

There may be no other core contributors for the i18n classes, but there are dozens of contributors to the framework. I monitor the i18n list as I'm sure many others do. if you need a reviewer, I'm sure any one of us would be happy to look at your code.

JIRA issues can be resolved as soon as passing unit tests for the fix
are committed to the trunk,..

And what about fixes which do not include unit tests ?
For example...
I am not able to write tests for issues which are related to 64bit machines only
or for race conditions.

Then how can you be sure that the bug has been fixed? Bug fixing is where unit tests truly shine: before you fix a bug, you write a test that shows the bug exists. Then you fix the bug. In this way, you can be assured that you will never re-introduce the bug because there will always be a test for it.

I don't know about eclipse specifically, but you can switch a single
working copy between two branches. Again, this is documented in the
lifecycle document; perhaps some elaboration is needed to make it more
clear? To strike a balance, we also do not want to be overwhelmingly
verbose, but where clarifications can be made, all the better. :)

No I can not...
For example Zend_Date....
I've integrated new features (array access).
But when there is a new bug I have to integrate it in
trunk (where the new feature resists) and in maintenance.
Otherwise the maintenance branch would also have the
new feature integrated which is not allowed.

You should simply checkout two working copies, one from the branch, and one from the trunk. This is how I've handled maintenance branches for years.


Willie Alberty, Owner
Spenlen Media


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