Hi there,

I am using ZF but I am facing problems in my production server.   In my
development server everything is fine.


I am accessing a url foo.com/projectX/contact/chat but it always goes to

My rewrite rule

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /projectX/
RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$ index.php

An my rewritelog shows

MY_IP - - [30/Jul/2007:17:31:16 --0600] [
foo.com/sid#9606b88][rid#ad307b0/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with
requested uri /projectX/contact/chat
MY_IP - - [30/Jul/2007:17:31:16 --0600] [
foo.com/sid#9606b88][rid#ad307b0/initial] (1) pass through
MY_IP - - [30/Jul/2007:17:31:16 --0600] [
foo.com/sid#9606b88][rid#ad307b0/initial] (2) [per-dir
/var/www/html/foo.com/projectX/] rewrite contact/chat -> index.php

If I understood correctly the var_dump of the controller object tells me it
is using the index controller and index action...

  object(Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard)#10 (10) {
    string(7) "default"
    string(5) "index"
    string(5) "index"
    string(7) "default"
    array(0) {
    string(1) "_"
    array(2) {
      string(1) "-"
      string(1) "."

What am I doing wrong?

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