That looks like you add one field with one document and other with
// Try to set the identifier and the page url into Lucene.
    // Set page title as text.
    Lucene::setLuceneContent( 'url', PAGE_QUERY_STRING .
"/{$arrPageData['page']['identifier']}" );
// at this point setLuceneContent() creates document with one text field
'url' and adds it to the index.

    // Set page identifier as a keyword.
    Lucene::setLuceneContent( 'identifier',
$arrPageData['page']['identifier'], 'keyword' );
// at this point setLuceneContent() creates another document with one
keyword field 'identifier' and adds it to the index.
catch ( Exception $objError )
    throw new Exception( "Can't index this content
({$objError->getMessage()})" );
So you never get document with both fields presented.
PS If I understood you correctly, you extended Zend_Search_Lucene class
to get your own class Lucene.
I would like to suggest to use agregation instead of extending (store
index object at some class property). 
With best regards,
   Alexander Veremyev.


        From: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
        Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 2:30 AM
        To: Alexander Veremyev;
        Subject: RE: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene::find() Exception
        Yes, look, I create a class name "Lucene" who is extended to
Zend_Search_Lucene, so this is the action where I try to make the
"find", it's not done yet, but thes is the base code:
        public function searchAction()
            // Load Lucene lib.
            $objLucene = new Lucene( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH );
            // Open Lucene index file and get the Lucene Proxy object
from the return.
            $objLuceneIndex = $objLucene->open( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH );
            // Try to find this text in the Lucene index file.
            $objLuceneQueryHits = $objLuceneIndex->find(
$this->getRequest()->getPost( 'text' ) );
            // Loop hits and create a common structure to show this data
into the view.
            foreach ( $objLuceneQueryHits AS $objLuceneHit )
                // Get Lucene Document object to retrieve data.
                $objLuceneDocument = $objLuceneHit->getDocument();
                echo "url: " . $objLuceneDocument->getField( 'url' ) . "
-- " . $objLuceneDocument->getFieldValue( 'url' );
                echo "identifier: " . $objLuceneDocument->getField(
'identifier' ) . " -- " . $objLuceneDocument->getFieldValue(
'identifier' );
                echo "title: " . $objLuceneDocument->getField( 'title' )
. " -- " . $objLuceneDocument->getFieldValue( 'title' );
                echo "content: " . $objLuceneDocument->getField(
'content' ) . " -- " . $objLuceneDocument->getFieldValue( 'content' ) .
        And when I'm adding content to the index I'm just doing like the
ZFW manual example, but I create a method in my "Lucene" class to set a
field with his content as a php switch:
          * Function to set content into Lucene index.
          * @param string $strName Name of the current element to be
          * @param string $strContent Content to be indexed by Lucene.
          * @param string $strType Lucene field types, text, keyword,
          * @return void
          * NOTE: More info at
         public function setLuceneContent( $strName, $strContent,
$strType = "text" )
          // Try to open the Lucene index file.
           // Load Lucene index file.
           $objLuceneProxy = self::open( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH );
          catch ( Exception $objError )
           throw new Exception( "Can't open the Lucene index file
({$objError->getMessage()})" ); 
          // Get Lucene index document.
          $objLuceneDocument = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
          // Validate if we really have something to be indexed by
          if ( false !== empty( $strContent ) )
           throw new Exception( "Content to be indexed by Lucene can't
be empty." );
          // If the name is empty, ergggghhh.... ERROR!
          if ( false !== empty( $strName ) )
           throw new Exception( "There's not name for the current
element to be indexed." );
          // Start indexed using a Lucene field type.
          switch ( $strType )
           case "text":
            // Add "Text" field to the Lucene index content.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( $strName, htmlentities( strip_tags(
$strContent ) ) ) );
           case "keyword":
            // Add "Keyword" field to the Lucene index content.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword( $strName, htmlentities( strip_tags(
$strContent ) ) ) );
           case "unstored":
            // Add "UnStored" field to the Lucene index content.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnStored( $strName, htmlentities( strip_tags(
$strContent ) ) ) );
           case "binary":
            // Add "UnStored" field to the Lucene index content.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Binary( $strName, htmlentities( strip_tags(
$strContent ) ) ) );
           case "unindexed":
            // Add "UnStored" field to the Lucene index content.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed( $strName, htmlentities( strip_tags(
$strContent ) ) ) );
            // Add "Text" field to the Lucene index content.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( $strName, htmlentities( strip_tags(
$strContent ) ) ) );
          // Try to add fields to the current Lucene document.
           // Add current Lucene field to the Lucebe Document.
           $objLuceneProxy->addDocument( $objLuceneDocument );
          catch ( Exception $objError )
           throw new Exception( "Can't add this field ({$strType}) to
the Lucene index file ({$objError->getMessage()})" );
        So when I want to add data to the Lucene index I just make:
        // Try to set the identifier and the page url into Lucene.
            // Set page title as text.
            Lucene::setLuceneContent( 'url', PAGE_QUERY_STRING .
"/{$arrPageData['page']['identifier']}" );
            // Set page identifier as a keyword.
            Lucene::setLuceneContent( 'identifier',
$arrPageData['page']['identifier'], 'keyword' );
        catch ( Exception $objError )
            throw new Exception( "Can't index this content
({$objError->getMessage()})" );
        I really dont know what's the problem, thx for any help.


        From: Alexander Veremyev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Lunes, 30 de Julio de 2007 04:51 p.m.
        To: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga;
        Subject: RE: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene::find() Exception
        Hi Juan,
        Could you give an example of your code?
        With best regards,
           Alexander Veremyev.


                From: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
                Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:05 AM
                Subject: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene::find()
                Im trying to retrieve data from my index, but when I try
to do an echo from one of the hits I always get that the field is not
found in the document, in my case I'm adding four fields, url -> text,
identifier -> keyword, content -> unstored and title -> text, but when I
print the hits object I see that the fields are there:
[_fields:private] => Array
=> Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_FieldInfo Object
[name] => url
[isIndexed] => 1
[number] => 0
[storeTermVector] => 0
=> Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_FieldInfo Object
[name] => identifier
[isIndexed] => 1
[number] => 1
[storeTermVector] => 0
=> Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_FieldInfo Object
[name] => content
[isIndexed] => 1
[number] => 2
[storeTermVector] => 0
=> Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_FieldInfo Object
[name] => title
[isIndexed] => 1
[number] => 3
[storeTermVector] => 0
                This is waht I got in the folder where I'm storing the
Lucene index:
                -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 670 Jul 30 20:56 _d.cfs
                -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 107 Jul 30 20:56 _d.sti
                -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data   4 Jul 30 20:44
                -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data   0 Jul 30 20:58
                -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data   0 Jul 30 20:56
                -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data  27 Jul 30 20:56 segments
                Any help ?


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