Hi thanks for this, it doesnt make sense still though.

It would be nice if they were buffered to variables in the view class, so I could just do this in my Flexy or Smarty template {view.body} or {view.getBody()}. The main template would be the one rendered first when I call render with a specific path so not controller / action dependant, render('sitepath/index.html', null, true); in side a fooAction method for instance , and then the page specific template is buffered to $this->view->body or $this->view->getBody().

Pádraic Brady wrote:
Hi Dan,

A Layout solution has been on the cards for a while now, and such a solution is to be decided on in the near future. For the moment you can read up on the varying solutions offered by the Layout section of Zend_View Enhanced Proposal, and the different strategy of Zend_Layout Proposal on the proposals page:

A lot of folk are in the same boat awaiting a final accepted approach(es) so keep in mind of this and try for something that's easy to replace as a temporary measure. Not the greatest advice admittedly, but that's the reality for now ;).

Best regards,
Pádraic Brady

----- Original Message ----
From: Dan Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Zend Framework <fw-general@lists.zend.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:21:32 AM
Subject: [fw-general] Placeholders

Hi there, I would like to work out how to use placeholders in my script
templates, so then i only need to use one main template, and then for
each action / controller I can set body content within a html cell or
whatever. I dont like the header / body / footer concept as that doesnt
work at all with designers and is obviouslly a developer concept.

Let me know thanks.

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