Hi, ALL:
  I read the manual of the zend framework, but still do not fully understand
how to use the Access Control List. But it is pretty useful for my new
Here I have several question, I hope you guys could help me figure out.
!. I am not sure what is the resouce meaning. In one tutorial, it says the
resouce corresponds to controllers and priviliges correspond to actions.
Like a forumController, it has  view, publish, delete and create, so many
different actions. Is this correct?  So using it to a blog system. The blog
has an owner, the owner has some friends and there are guests visiting the
blog. There are many blogs. Here how to defind the ACL?   And for the real
case, a user login into the system. He viewes his own blog. He is the owner.
If he visits his friend's blog, he is the firend. If he visits other's
blogs, he becomes the guest. So his role is changing all the time. I think I
may misunderstand some concepts here.
2. I do not put the blog as a controller, but use the modules. Then how
could define it as the resouce?
3. Where should I initialize the ACL object in the index.php? Should I do
some additional works, like put the users' role type in his session. How
could the server know who are visiting the resouces? Like when a user login,
I could get the role type from the DB. But then where should I put the
value? And when he visits like /blog/admin/edit(module:controller:action),
should I check the ACL or it will do it automatically?
Or I get a new idea, the ACL here is just help you organize and has no more
Thank you so much.
Sincerely yours,
Yuanyuan YUE

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