For Zend_Filter_Input() I need a custom error message because I'm dutch and
the website I make is also dutch. I have setup validators as follows:

$validators = array(
                        'name' => array('allowEmpty' => false,
                        'username' => array('Alpha','allowEmpty' => false),
                        'password1' => array('Alpha', 'allowEmpty' => true),
                        'password2' => array('allowEmpty' => true)

If 'name' is empty I want to show the users the following error "Voornaam is
verplicht!" (this is dutch). I have read in the user manual the following

$validators = array(
    'month' => array(
        'digits', new Zend_Validate_Between(1, 12),
        'messages' => array(
            'A month must consist only of digits',
                Zend_Validate_Between::NOT_BETWEEN =>
                    'Month value %value% must be between %min% and %max%',
                Zend_Validate_Between::NOT_BETWEEN_STRICT =>
                    'Month value %value% must be strictly between %min% and

This is the code I need for the custom message. But when I transform the
code to this code:

'name' => array('allowEmpty' => false, 'messages' =>
array(Zend_Validate_NotEmpty::IS_EMPTY => 'Voornaam is verplicht!')),
                        'username' => array('Alpha','allowEmpty' => false),
                        'password1' => array('Alpha', 'allowEmpty' => true),
                        'password2' => array('allowEmpty' => true)

I get the standard error message:"You must give a non-empty value for field

My question is: How can I change this message field independent (with out
setup a message in the option section).

Thank you,

Ivo Trompert
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