> The problem is when you don't know in advance which feed you will be
> consuming. If the goal is to just type in an arbitrary feed URL, you
> currently have no way of ensuring your code will work with all thinkable
> feed types. I'm not asking for something that will always work as
> intended - just something that always returns some kind of output you
> can rely on, be it just an empty string. IMHO it's better for the end
> user to see an empty line than to see something like "Array" where you
> would expect a title or description.

> CU
> Markus

Similar problem here with $item->link().  For podcasts, the iTunes
namespace seems to either overwrite or cause the same array issue as
previously stated.

I find myself using the firstChild->data of the DOM Element, which I'm
fairly certain is a bad workaround.

Since these method calls ($item->link(), etc.) are supposed to be easy
ways of retrieving data, isn't returning DOM elements a bit inconvenient
when consuming a feed?  I can see the benefit when building one, as it's a
short hop from there to well-formed XML, but feed consumption seems like
it would be better served by easy access to properties and attributes.

Karlos Abel

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