
I'm trying to figure out why I can't set custom messages in
Zend_Filter_Input.  Is this a known bug?  I've searched around by
haven't found anything.

Then again, it could be me.  It's happened once or twice before ;^)

If I do something like this:



$filters    = array("name" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"));
$validators = array("name" => array("presence" => "required"));
$options     = array("missingMessage" => "%field% is required.");

$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters,

if ( $input->hasInvalid() )
  $messages = $input->getMessages();



When I have an empty name in $data, I see the default missingMessage,
rather than my custom message passed in $options.  I think the problem
is actually in Zend_Validate, but I haven't tracked it down that far.
Any ideas?

Drew Bertola

*   PHP/LAMP Consultant, ZCE-1000               *
*                                               *
*   Tel: 408-966-6671                           *
*                                               *
*   current resume:                             *
*   http://drewb.com/resume.pdf                 *

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