
I just checked out the latest code from Trunk and now I'm getting errors within my application related to Zend_DB and findManyToManyRowset. I've tried the samples in the documentation, http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.db.table.relationships.html The sample code works. However... with a slight change in column names it hoses the references.

The error:
Notice: Undefined index: product_id in /srv/sites/athweb-prt03/ library/Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php on line 839

When calling findManyToManyRowset the name of the column in the lookup table now has to be the same as the column name in the intersection table. You used to be able to specify any column names here, however commit #6251 changed this. All of my tables have a column of "id" as the primary key. Intersection columns are named 'tablename_id'. Is there any way to keep this functionality or do I need to go back and change all my column names?

If I change the "id" column in both the products and bugs table to 'product_id' and 'bug_id' and make the corresponding changes in the referenceMap, findManyToManyRowset works.


The db structure that fails is:
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, <--- this would need to be bug_id to work
  `bug_description` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `bug_status` varchar(20) default NULL,

CREATE TABLE `bugs_products` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, <-- this would need to be product_id to work
  `bug_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE `products` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
  `product_name` varchar(100) default NULL,

The referenceMap is:
    protected $_referenceMap    = array(
        'Bug' => array(
            'columns'           => array('bug_id'),
            'refTableClass'     => 'Bugs',
'refColumns' => array('id') <--- this would need to be bug_id to work
        'Product' => array(
            'columns'           => array('product_id'),
            'refTableClass'     => 'Products',
'refColumns' => array('id') <--- this would need to be product_id to work

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