Hey Nico,

you should try to set the BaseUrl path within your bootstrap file.
Otherwise your url (http://localhost/textzfhtml/) will be interpretet
At the moment it seems that your directory (textzfhtml) will be
interpreted as part
of the route.

If you have got additional questions please add some lines of your
code or config (.htaccess) that will help us to help you.


On 9/13/07, Nico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I just download and try to use this FW, but I can't get it work.
> In short, I get this message:
> Fatal error: Uncaught exception
> 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception' with message
> 'Invalid controller specified (error)' in C:\Archivos de
> programa\xampp\ZendFramework-1.0.1\library\Zend\Controller\Dispatcher\Standard.php:193
> Stack trace: #0 C:\Archivos de
> programa\xampp\ZendFramework-1.0.1\library\Zend\Controller\Front.php(911):
> Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http),
> Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)) #1 C:\Archivos de
> programa\xampp\ZendFramework-1.0.1\library\Zend\Controller\Front.php(224):
> Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch() #2 C:\Archivos de
> programa\xampp\htdocs\testzfhtml\index.php(3):
> Zend_Controller_Front::run('C:\Archivos de ...') #3 {main}
> thrown in C:\Archivos de
> programa\xampp\ZendFramework-1.0.1\library\Zend\Controller\Dispatcher\Standard.php
> on line 193
> I search in forum messages with "'Invalid controller specified (error)'"and
> I found something about the new errorHandler plugin.
> But I can't undestand whats the problem.
> I also have doubts if mod_rewrite is working.
> I follow the steps in the ZF tutorial
> (http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.html#zend.controller.quickstart
> )
> The only difference is that I create a subfolder within htdocs, my folder is
> testzfhtml for the index.php and .htaccess file, and testxfapp for the
> controller, models and views, both testzfxxx dirs are at the same level.
> Can anybody help me ??
> Best Regards.
> Nicolas

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
With best regards

Wolfgang Forstmeier
+49° 34' 26.76", +11° 0' 48.60"

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