-- Daniel Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Thursday, 13 September 2007, 04:30 PM +1000):
> Hi there, I would like to be able to setup plugins for particular  
> controllers. A particular controller will be attempting to render a  
> video mimetype depending on a few params. Obviouslly I dont want this  
> available to all controllers.
> Let me know what is possible thanks.

You can always check in your plugin for the controller:

    $controller = $request->getControllerName();
    switch ($controller) {

If the actions are specific to a single controller, just add them to
your controller. If they could be used in several, I'd suggest rather
than using plugins, use action helpers; this way they can be triggered
on demand, and you don't have to change the plugin every time you want
to add the functionality to a new controller; you just use it in the new

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
PHP Developer            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

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