Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the first beta release of the The Plexcel
Library for Zend Framework.

This library includes two Zend_Auth adapters and a Zend_Controller
plugin for integrating ZF applications into corporate and University
networks using Microsoft Active Directory.

More info is in-lined below but the package and formal description are
available on our website here:

The SPNEGO Zend_Auth Adapter:

SPNEGO the Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication mechanism used by
Internet Explorer and Firefox in an Active Directory network. SSO
means that users do not enter their password. Their existing domain
credentials are used to automatically authenticate using Kerberos.

The Kerberos Zend_Auth Adapter:

If the user is not logged into the AD domain, SSO will not transpire.
For this reason, a second Kerberos adapter is provided for use with a
traditional HTML login form.

The Plexcel Zend_Controller Plugin:

The Zend_Controller plugin coordinates using both the SPNEGO and
Kerberos login adapters together. The plexcel-zf package is also a
simple MVC application that demonstrates how easy it is to add a
register the plugin in your bootstrap file.

This library uses the Plexcel PHP extension which can be used to
perform a wide variety of otherwise difficult tasks. When retrieving
user information from AD attributes like times are automatically
converted into values that are ideal for PHP. Windows group membership
checks are very fast and operated on the fully expanded list of nested
groups. You can set passwords, manipulate objects in the directory
like groups and do much much more.

We hope to hear from you.


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SPNEGO SSO

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