Hi all,

I would like to put up a few Zend_Cache changes for discussion:

1. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Class should not require cachedEntity in the options,
instead you would be able to pass either a class name or object to a "call"
method just like Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function. I understand the current
setup is a bit cooler in that you can simply call the method directly on the
cache object, however I feel this is not flexible in allowing me to use the
same cache object for methods of multiple classes or objects.

2. Zend_Cache_Frontend_File should not require a unique ID, it should be
automatically generated from the path and filename in the same way some of
the other frontends are able to automatically generate IDs.

3. In Zend/Cache/Backend there is a file called Test.php, is this supposed
to be there?

4. It would be good to be able to allow cache "atrophy". There are two
different forms of atrophy that could be available based on data changes:

        a) A minimum and maximum cache expiry are set (say 5 mins, 30 mins),
at first the expiry is at the minimum (5 mins), if the data has not changed
at the end of the       expiry period, the expiry period then increases by
the atrophy rate (say 20%) so it is then longer (6 mins). This continues
until the maximum expiry period. If the         data has changed at an
expiry point, the expiry period is reset to the minimum (5 mins) or possibly
decreases and the process starts again. This attempts to spend less     time
refreshing cache that does not change often.

        b) A minimum and maximum cache expiry are set (say 5 mins, 30 mins),
at first the expiry is at the maximum (30mins), if the data has changed at
the end of the expiry   period, the expiry period then decreases by the
atrophy rate (say 20%) so it is then shorter (24 mins). This continues until
the minimum expiry period. If the data  has not changed at an expiry point,
the expiry period is reset to the maxmimum (30 mins) or possibly increases
and the process starts again. This attempts to keep     changing data

There is also another approach based on traffic:

        c) Minimum and maximum expiries are set as above, along with traffic
levels and an atrophy level. As an item becomes more and more popular the
cache expiry gets       shorter and shorter to ensure the data is as
up-to-date as possible.

        d) Same as "c" except the cache expiry is set longer and longer as
the item gets more popular. This means the load is being reduced by caching
more and more when items        are popular, however they become more and
more out-of-date.

Any feedback on these concepts would be much appreciated.


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