I did some thinking and research following ZF-1850, and it seems that
currently, Zend_Http_Client and Zend_Http_Cookie are a bit problematic
when it comes to encoding cookie values.

Currently, we are urlencode()ing all cookie values. Apparently this is
not a problem when PHP is on the other side (PHP automatically decodes
this) but is a problem with other handlers. It is also not required by
the RFC (there is no real standard for cookies, but semi-official
documents do not require encoding - they only disallow some characters).

The reason I used urlencode() is because I thought that since
setcookie() encodes cookie values this way, it is some kind of de-facto
standard. Apparently it is not.

To allow raw cookie values (a-la setrawcookie()), I see two options:

1. Stop encoding all together, and only disallow some characters which
are incorrectly handled at the other side (those are ";", "\r" and "\n"
as far as I can tell. This will be the simplest approach, and might or
might not break some applications - I have to test this more thoroughly.

2. Allow for an encoding callback to be set as a configuration option
for Zend_Http_Client and Zend_Http_CookieJar, and as a parameter for
Zend_Http_Cookie->getValue(). This will allow more flexibility, but will
make things a bit more cumbersome under the hood. Also, there is always
the question of what to use by default.

Any thoughts, suggestions or objections are welcome.



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