I'm curious how others are using the current (as of ZF 1.0.2) implementation of Zend_Filter_Input. I'm trying to use it for a contact form, but everything I've typed out seems clumsy and overly complicated. (Maybe that's just the cost of flexibility, though, because even the "less basic" examples in the documentation look extremely convoluted.)

For instance, I have one hidden field (using CSS) on the form that's used in spam detection. This field needs to remain completely untouched by the filters I set, but in order to do that, I have to explicitly assign the filters to /every/ other field (14 of them) rather than use the "*" wildcard.

Also, I have no clue how to handle multiple fields of the same name. This same contact form allows the user to provide their phone number if they wish. This consists of 4 fields that represent parts of a U.S. telephone number, all with the name "phone[]": ([___]) [___]-[____] ext. [_____]

If any one can provide any insight or examples of their own of their, that'd be great.

Ryan Lange

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