Yes it definitely works, I login (ticking remember me), close the browser,
open the browser again and it remembers me.

I thought I had to set remember me before starting the session however I
found someone else had done the same as I have, and on testing it works.

I wonder is the cookie set only when needed, or is the remember me cookie
set on the next request, which may be caused by my redirect?

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Melmoux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 7 December 2007 5:35 PM
To: Steven Brown
Cc: 'Darby Felton'; 'Zend Framework General'
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Session::start() and remember me

Are you sure it is working? Zend_Session::rememberMe() is calling 
Zend_Session::rememberUntil() which is calling the php function 
session_set_cookie_params () ( 
. This function configures the cookie use by the session. As Darby said 
it should be called before session_start() to work.

Finally here is how I solve this issue:

*In my AuthController, after a successful authentification :*

// Set a cookie to notify the bootstrap how long the session cookie 
should last
$duration = $this->_form->rememberme ? 1209600 : 0;
setcookie("Zend_Auth_RememberMe", $duration, time()+6000, '/');

*In my bootstrap:*

// Session
include 'Zend/Session.php';


Laurent Melmoux - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Annecy - France

Steven Brown a écrit :
> Actually I found I could call Zend_Session::rememberMe() after
> Zend_Session::start() and it works.
> I call Zend_Session::start() in my bootstrap and
> in my login action.
> I expected it to not work after reading the manual however it seems to
> fine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laurent Melmoux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, 7 December 2007 1:34 AM
> To: Darby Felton
> Cc: Zend Framework General
> Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Session::start() and remember me
> Darby Felton a écrit :
>>> d1. what happens now is the client is sent a cookie named
>>> e. The next page visit that Zend_Session is started on will see the
>>> REMEMBERME cookie, then change the SESSION COOKIE to a persistent cookie
>>> (for as long as the remember me secionds value). The REMEMBERME cookie
>>> is then destroyed as its served its purpose. f. Now you have a session
>>> cookie that will end at a specific time in the future, not when the
>>> browser closes.
>>> I’m going to use this technique to solve my problem
>> Yes, Ralph's explanation is fine and correct and does not conflict with
>> the crux of my last message - that rememberMe() must be called before
>> the session is started.
> Yes I totally agree with that.
> I think I don’t explain myself very well :).
> My original question was, how can I keep Zend_Session::start() at the 
> beginning of my bootstrap and at the same time have my Auth Controller 
> works with the remember me fiture.
> So now I have an answer, by using Ralph technique, I can set a cookie in 
> the AuthController to notifies my bootstrap, to call 
> Zend_Session::remeberMe()in my next page load.
> Actually, I got mixed up with the session remember me and the 
> authentification remember me. It is 2 things even though the 
> authentification remember me is tight couple with the session.( may be 
> Zend_Session::setDuration() would be less confusing ? )
>>> But I'm wondering why it haven’t been implemented this way?  Well, I
>>> guess that Zend_Session ::rememberMe() is not specific to
> authentification.
>>> What do you think of a Zend_Auth::setRememberMe() to place in your Auth
>>> Controller and a Zend_Auth::rememberMe() in the bootstrap that well
>>> check for a specific cookie then proxy to Zend_Session ::rememberMe() ?
>>> Darby Felton a écrit :
>>>> Hi Laurent,
>>>> IIRC, Zend_Session::rememberMe() uses session_set_cookie_params().
>>>> it must be called before the session is started to work properly. This
>>>> is documented here:
> tml#zend.session.global_session_management.rememberme
>>>> Sorry for the long URL. :)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Darby
>>>> Laurent Melmoux wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Until now I had call Zend_Session::start() at the beginning of
> bootstrap
>>>>> file, so far so good.
>>>>> But now, I would like to add a remember me option on my login form, so
>>>>> if the authentification succeed and the remember me have been checked
>>>>> call Zend_Session::rememberMe()... But it won’t work because the
> session
>>>>> is already started!
>>>>> What do you consider as best practice to deal with this use case?
>>>>> Where Zend_Session::start() should be called ?
>>>>> Regards

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