Ralph, Fix the Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable and the object FETCH_MODE bug Don't make me nag you on #zftalk ;)

Wednesday is my Zend Framework issues day. I plan to sit down a go through my issue list and make alot of commits that day. That said:

Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable is gonna be refactored in a way that would promote extensibility. The issue


describes the refactoring.  At the same time, I will apply the patch for


As for the others:

Those will also either be taken care of or implemented. Seeing as though there are a lot of bugs attached to this one adapter, plan to see DbTable in the incubator this week while all of them get worked out.

All in all, the last few months have been really busy for me. On the priority scale, I have to admit that unless the issues directly related to my job, they didn't get a lot of attention.. After all, I do have alot of presents to buy for people this holiday season ;)

No joking aside, I do have time scheduled soon and hopefully existing issues will be cleared up and out of the issue tracker.

> Model Loading?

Not in the plans at current. I might rewrite my existing helper to use PluginLoader and the new Inflector, but since Modeling in general in the ZF is unchartered territory, its hard to say if an Action Helper is the exact way to solve this problem. More on that later though.

Happy holidays,

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