-- Ian Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Sunday, 20 January 2008, 01:00 PM +0000):
> Sorry I should have said that I tried that also.
> Still no luck

I use code like the following code regularly:

    $view->addHelperPath('path/to/My/View/Helper', 'My_View_Helper');

and it works fine. Can you send me the code you used when trying

> Pieter wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> I think that you should use the $view->addHelperPath() function.
>> Regards,
>> Pieter Kokx
>> Ian Warner schreef:
>>> hi
>>> I am having real trouble trying to set helper paths.
>>> I assume I can place this anywhere in my code structure - I have tried in 
>>> bootstrap / controllers and a few other places
>>> Pathing - I think I have this correct below though I although I have 
>>> changed this any which way but loose.
>>>         $view = new Zend_View();
>>>         // Add /other/path/to/helpers with class prefix 
>>> 'Your_View_Helper'
>>> $view->setHelperPath('D:\AWebEnvironment\htdocs\Site_Template\library\Zend\View\Helper',
>>> 'Common_Components');
>>> I have this when I throw the stack in the view.
>>>     [_path:private] => Array
>>>         (
>>>             [script] => Array
>>>                 (
>>>                     [0] => sites\admintrianglesolutions\views\scripts\
>>>                 )
>>>             [helper] => Array
>>>                 (
>>>                     [0] => Array
>>>                         (
>>>                             [prefix] => Zend_View_Helper_
>>>                             [dir] => 
>>> sites\admintrianglesolutions\views\helpers\
>>>                         )
>>>                     [1] => Array
>>>                         (
>>>                             [prefix] => Zend_View_Helper_
>>>                             [dir] => 
>>> D:\AWebEnvironment\ZendFramework-1.0.3\library\Zend\View\Helper\
>>>                         )
>>>                 )

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
PHP Developer            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

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