-- WooKasZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Wednesday, 05 March 2008, 05:35 AM -0800):
> Hello ! I have a problem with Zend_Session class.
> Sometimes when I am refreshing page or clicking on a link this fatal error
> occurs:
> Code:
> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Session_Exception' 
> with message 'Zend_Session::start() - session_start()
>  [ function.session-start function.session-start ]: ps_files_cleanup_dir:
> opendir(_sessions/) failed: Result too large (34)' 
> in H:\www\wz\Zend\Session.php:379 Stack trace: 
> #0 H:\www\wz\Zend\Session\Namespace.php(116): Zend_Session::start(true) 
> #1 H:\www\wz\init\session.php(16): Zend_Session_Namespace->__construct() 
> #2 H:\www\wz\init\init.php(10): require_once('H:\www\wz\init\...') 
> #3 H:\www\wz\index.php(21): require_once('H:\www\wz\init\...')
> #4 {main} thrown in H:\www\wz\Zend\Session.php on line 379
> Here is the code in my app:
> require_once('Zend/Session.php');
> garbageCollection( $config['session']['savepath'],
> $config['session']['lifetime'] );
> ini_set( 'session.cache_expire', 
>                       $config['session']['cache_exp']);  
> ini_set( 'session.gc_maxlifetime', 
>                       $config['session']['lifetime'] );
> session_save_path( $config['session']['savepath'] );
> $defSessNamespace  = new Zend_Session_Namespace( );
> garbageCollector is cleaning folder with sessions.
> I use it (and init_set) couse I didin't found it in docs.

Based on the message exception from the exception thrown, it looks like
your GC routine is having trouble getting a list of sessions to remove
-- that perhaps there are too many for the OS to handle at once.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
PHP Developer            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

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