First off, congratulations on the 1.5 release, things look awesome,
especially all the specialized modules. 

We've been using the framework for a while now, and absolutely love it. It's
saved us a great deal of time and money. So, we have a decent amount of code
written for it. We recently installed the 1.5 release on our development
servers, and realized all requests to camelCased actions were returning a
404. I read the documentation, and found in 7.2 (Controller Basics):

[Note]  CamelCasedNamingConventions
 Since humans are notoriously inconsistent at maintaining case sensitivity
when typing links, Zend Framework actually normalizes path information to
lowercase. This, of course, will affect how you name your controller and
actions... or refer to them in links.

I...would rather not do this. Is there a way to easily turn this off? I have
quite a few action functions, with some long, descriptive function names,
and making them all lower case makes
somelongdescriptiveactionnameithoughtupAction() harder to read. For the time
being, I just put 

return $unformatted.'Action';

in Zend_Controller_Dispatch_Abstract::formatActionName, but would a feature
request to be able to control that behavior be reasonable? If not, is there
a way to keep my camelCased function names using some type of smart router?

Thanks very much,
- hoopes
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