Well, I'm using Lucene myself for a specialist search project, with several thousand documents at a time.

Search performance is good, I'm throwing queries with multiple terms, including range searches and the odd fuzzy search at it and queries are taking very small fractions of a second, even on my shared server (virtualised Linux server). Indexing is pretty good; the best bit about it is that while it isn't the fastest ever, it depends really on whether you do many small, interactive updates or batch updates. If you want to be able to add/delete documents whilst not taking down the search index, this is pretty good. I've even been throwing queries at it while it was optimising the index, and still total time to respond is measured in fractions of a second.

Unfortunately I can't be more specific as I'm still in the development/testing phase at the moment so benchmarking is notoriously unreliable.

Only concern I have is that it seems to be a bit of a memory hog on the indexing front, but I'm still trying to establish how much of that is errors with my script and how much is ZSL (at one point my script was trying to allocate over 100MB of RAM, with an index of less than 500K...) Seems to be more my script than ZSL though.


dinok wrote:
Hi guys,

any other experiences with ZSL?
I'm currently thinking about this topic for a long time. Because I want to
start a new project in a few days and I'm not sure, if I should use ZSL or
maybe a simple like search.
Are here any people who have some facts (queries a day, number of docs and
so on)?

Best regards

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