Hi there,

I don't know anything about ZEND. And before starting to plunge into it, it would be great if someone could give me a hint or two to comment if we're on the right track with what we want to achieve.

So, here's the situation:

We’ve developed a dynamic Data Portal ( http://geodata.grid.unep.ch ) over the last years; it gives UN organizations (and in principal: everybody) access to a broad range of data (> 500 unique variables), with possibilities to draw maps, graphs and tables and to download the data in various formats.

Now, we’re thinking of developing an “opensource” package, which interested bodies (especially Environmental Ministries with whom we’re working) could download, install and use to serve/distribute their data.

But how would then the updating of these portals been done, when a new release (with new functionality or/and fixed bugs) appears? As they will surely customize the interface and eventually as well add/change some of the features & functions, it’s difficult for me as a less-than- semi-professional-developer to understand how this could be achieved.

We’re working with PHP templates… so layout and functions are somewhat separated. But I guess this has to go much further, transforming our existing functions into PEAR or ZEND libraries for example or using webservices for some of the dynamic stuff…

If anyone has a moment to give us a hint or two, that would be great!

Thanks a lot,


(PS: We’re using Linux, PHP, Postgres, Minnesota Mapserver and JpGraph.)

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