Ooops... it was so easy, I found the answer two minutes after I post this
message. You have the set the charset encoding:

$pdf->pages[0]->drawText('Alcalá - España', 300, 770, 'ISO-8859-1');

The encoding defaults to the system locale, but my system's locale is
'ISO-8859-1' so I found it strange to have to put the parameter in the
method, but it works.

I hope this can help someone else.

Mauricio Cuenca wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the Zend_Pdf class to generate pdf files, but I found that
> characteres like "ñ" and those with tildes like "áéíóú" are not displayed.
> These characters are mandatory in my application, I was browsing the
> framework class files and I found that in
> Zend/Pdf/Resource/Font/Simple/Standard.php says:
>  * The PHP script used to generate this class can be found in the /tools
>  * directory of the framework distribution. If you need to make
> modifications to
>  * this class, chances are the same modifications are needed for the rest
> of the
>  * standard fonts. You should modify the script and regenerate the classes
>  * instead of changing this class file by hand.
> I could not found the tools directory, but my question is: can I easily
> modify the fonts file so I can use those characters with my PDFs or what
> other approach should I take?
> Thanks!
> ________________
> Mauricio Cuenca

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