On 4/15/08, Paul Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Zend_Config_Ini successfully in a number of applications.
> I'm wondering if the following is the correct way to configure arrays? My
> concern is that I don't see it documented anywhere to add brackets to the
> end of keys, like plugin[]. I just happened on a comment at [
> http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php#75983] saying it
> can be done. Does anybody else use 'key[]' to configure arrays? Thanks, Paul
> Set config.php
> ---------------
> [Production]
> ; plugins
> plugin[] = Init
> plugin[] = Authenticate
> plugin[] = Access
> plugin[] = Wrapper
> Get array
> ---------------
> $conf = new Zend_Config_Ini('config.php','Production');
> $plugins = $conf->plugin->toArray();
> Dump $plugins
> ---------------
> array (
>   0 => 'Init',
>   1 => 'Authenticate',
>   2 => 'Access',
>   3 => 'Wrapper',
> )
I think you're supposed to do it like this:

Set config.php
; plugins
plugin.0 = Init
plugin.1 = Authenticate
plugin.2 = Access
plugin.3 = Wrapper

Get array
$conf = new Zend_Config_Ini('config.php','Production');
// Now you can access them like:
echo $conf->plugin->0; // Displays 'Init'
// Or you could convert it to an array which would return the array
$plugins = $conf->plugin->toArray();

Dump $plugins
array (
 0 => 'Init',
 1 => 'Authenticate',
 2 => 'Access',
 3 => 'Wrapper',


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