Anyone know why CASE_FOLDING seems to only work in one direction?

I have

$options = array(
    Zend_Db::CASE_FOLDING => Zend_Db::CASE_LOWER

And I'm using the PDO driver the docs say is required for case folding:

$db = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Oci( array(
  'username' => $config->db->username,
  'password' => $config->db->password,
  'dbname'   => $config->db->dbname,
  'host'     => $config->db->host,
  'port'     => $config->db->port,
  'options'  => $options

So then

$select->from( $stats, array( 'count' ) )

doesn't work, but

$select->from( $stats, array( 'COUNT' ) )

does work.  Why the inconsistent behaviour?

Greg Donald

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