
> Unfortunately, the server cache does not do what I intended it to when I
> originally coded it. The problem with performance is due to the fact
> that it must both re-instantiate objects as well as perform reflection
> on all of them -- but in reverse order (reflection objects are what are
> cached).
> I would like to address this in the future; would you be willing to put
> an issue in the tracker, so it doesn't get lost, but also so that I can
> ping you about testing?
> In the meantime, you have a couple of options:
>   * First, don't use the server cache


>   * Make sure you *are* using an opcode cache

Yes, APC.

>   * Consider setting up functionality to cache read-only methods, so
>     that the XML-RPC server can be bypassed entirely for such calls.

Not possible in this instance, it's data driven.

Will create the issue shortly,


 David Goodwin                          Pale Purple Limited
 Office: 0845 0046746                   Mobile: 07792380669 
 http://www.palepurple.co.uk            Company No: 5580814 
 'Business Web Application Development and Training in PHP'

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