I just submitted a final proposal of sorts, based on all feedback to date. I quite like the way it turned out and overall I think its a great compromise and is based on best practices of other large open source project repositories like the apache foundation and php itself.

- Tony

On 5/16/2008 8:39 AM, Darby Felton wrote:
Hello again,

So far I've seen some very helpful feedback on the proposed SVN repository reorganization. Thank you to everyone who has posted so far! :)

For those of you that haven't commented yet, however, please review and post your thoughts. I'm thinking that we'll stop collecting feedback on Monday, so please post your feedback by the end of Monday if at all possible.

Thanks again! :)

Best regards,

Darby Felton wrote:
Hi all,

In order to prepare the framework SVN repository for accommodating the upcoming distinction between "standard" and "extras" components, and to consolidate the currently separate laboratory repository, we have prepared a proposed SVN structure for your review. And yes, this means you. :)

We are particularly interested in receiving feedback from both ZF users and ZF developers regarding this reorganization, and you can help by taking a look and commenting on the following wiki page:


Please let us know if you see any glaring oversights or even if you just see a little room for improvement - your feedback would be sincerely appreciated.

If you don't have wiki commenting privileges, please send an e-mail (from the address associated with your JIRA/Confluence account) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for posting privileges. :)

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Best regards,

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