I've used headScript with great success, typically, I'll have a layout
define my js library and then have each template insert it's

<? $this->headScript()->prependFile('/js/jquery.js'); ?>
... further down ...
<?= $this->headScript() ?>

<? $this->headScript()->appendFile('/js/search.js'); ?>

This correctly generates all of my <script> tags.

- jake

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Kevin McArthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The layout should really be the last thing that gets rendered, immediately
> before the response is sent.
> Thus, as your templates go around adding to head* helpers... the layout
> parses after those actions do and the resulting containers are already full
> when the echo is encountered in the layout.
> Make sense?
> Kevin McArthur
> bfoust wrote:
> The headScript() and headLink() helpers are purportedly used to collect
> additions throughout the page-building process, then output the results as a
> group.
>  You may specify a new script tag at any time. As noted above, these may
> be links to outside resource files or scripts theselves.
> <?php // adding scripts
> $this->headScript()->appendFile('/js/prototype.js')
>                    ->appendScript($onloadScript);
> ?>
> So you'd think by the description in the manual and by the name of the
> helper, that it's doing something special to inject the results into the
> header of the output.
> But I see no evidence of that after attempting to use it. These "head"
> helpers are nothing of the sort. They're only containers that get echoed to
> the output stream as soon as the reference is encountered:
>     <?= $this->headScript() ?>
>     <?= $this->headLink() ?>
> How is that useful? The calls to $this->headScript()->prependXXX() are
> processed later in the .phtml file, so that content never gets rendered?
> If this mechanism worked as expected, all the calls to these headXXX helpers
> in all views of the layout would be collected and automatically injected
> into the <head> section upon completion of the output, but before being sent
> to the client.
> No special code would be needed in the application's layout or view to
> output it (which just breaks the mechanism, as we have seen, because the
> *current* contents of the headXXX helper get output, rather than the
> *future* contents as expected).
> What am I missing? Is there an easy way to tweak ZF to get the expected
> behavior?
> --
> Kevin McArthur
> StormTide Digital Studios Inc.
> Author of the recently published book, "Pro PHP"
> http://www.stormtide.ca

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