Matthew,I googled, "Jani H Zend Framework Blog" to no avail. Do you have a
link to his blog(s)?

Josh Team

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:24 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> -- Ralf Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (on Thursday, 05 June 2008, 08:08 AM +0200):
> > I wonder what others think of the best practice for the validation part:
> >
> > a) Keep the validation rules in the form objects and let Zend_Form
> >    handle the validation part
> Let's extend this idea a bit: attach the form object to your model.
> Zend_Form handles input filtering, so it can be dropped in as a
> replacement for Zend_Filter_Input (another option you didn't specify) as
> an input filter for your model. Just because Zend_Form _can_ render
> forms does not mean it _must_ render forms; it can simply act as the
> input filter, and be consumed by the model, just as any other ZF
> component.
> Jani H. has blogged about this recently, using Doctrine in his Model
> layer; I'd advise reading his posts, as they are quite good and show
> this potential coupling.
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Software Architect       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Zend Framework           |

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