Hi Darren,

On 16 Jun 2008, at 15:10, darren wrote:
I have a ZF site up and running. It's just my first little practice site. And, I'd like to move it underneath an existing site that is not based on ZF.

My first question, "Is that possible"? I tried it and I got controller errors.

Yes, it's possible.

The basic idea would be to have a .htaccess file in the sub-folder you want to host the zf-site in which redirects all requests to that folder to a bootstrap, say index.php.

It sounds like you're on the right track... when you say 'controller errors' do you mean ones like this: Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception: 'Invalid controller class ("IndexController")'


If so, and on the assumption that the trial site is working then, it is very likely that you've just got the path to your controllers directory wrong. Check that and see how you get on.


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