Is there really nobody who has searched for this kind of information?
Or somebody who created a slide or blog entry about that, or something else?

I would be very thankful for any help one could give! Every link, argument,
cite or fact would be great.


Hi everybody!
> I am collecting arguments for the Zend Framework to present it to my bosses
> and i thought it would be helpful for others searching for the right
> application framework.
> I found some very useful slides and sites yet:
> *
> *
> *
> What i am searching for now, are some facts and/or studies concerning how
> unit tests, good documentation, an open-source community, etc. increases the
> quality of code/application itself, the productivity, the speed of
> development and how it lowers the time for a new developer to get
> up-to-speed quickly.
> The reason why i am searching especially for this facts is the condition of
> our self-made framework. Some facts:
> The framework has a "component-based" like architecture, but it has no MVC
> approach. It was designed about 6 years ago - which is not a bad point - but
> somehow most of the new developments out there are missing or they were
> implemented without refactoring some parts. Refactoring itself never
> happened. There are no Unit Tests and there is no useful documentation - in
> fact there is NO documentation or API reference available!! - I think that`s
> the main problem. I also see a big problem when it comes to develop a new
> application and new developers begin to work.
> When you get how the framework works, after much reverse engineering, it
> has also some very useful techniques and advantages for developers.
> Our web-application which is build upon this framework, is kind of stable
> and most of its users are satisified. But I think that the productivity with
> the zend framework would be better, it is more "future-proof" than our
> current framework and the quality would be higher than now - This is what i
> want to emphasize with some facts.
> I hope you could follow me and someone out there could help me finding some
> facts (and others searching for this kind of information / facts etc...)
> Thanks

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