I would consider it a problem if you cannot extend the zend framework.

Thank you,
Micah Gersten
onShore Networks
Internal Developer

Karol Grecki wrote:
> Martijn 
> I encountered the same problem over a year ago and I managed to build my own
> paragraph and table functionality without extending any of the Zend classes.
> They work by accepting zend page object as an argument so the interface is a
> bit different then regular methods but they work fine.
> Karol
> Martijn Korse wrote:
>> I've used fpdf a few times (some time ago) and last week took a look at
>> Zend_Pdf
>> Let met start by saying i'm really happy with it, as it's so much clearer!
>> However, i got disappointed quite quickly when it appeared that Zend_Pdf
>> doesn't do text wrapping of large amounts of text. So, first i did a
>> search with google to see if other people had tackled this issue. I found
>> a class called Zend_Cell_Pdf, but unfortunately, that didn't work with my
>> 1.5.2 installation. and every time i fixed one bug, i bumped into another.
>> Also, i saw that even if i got it working it wouldn't support aligning the
>> text with 'justify' - something i also need
>> So, since it didn't seem to hard to program this functionality my self, i
>> decided to do just that.
>> One hour later, i had class that could create a text-block and even align
>> it (left, right, center & justify). But then, the problems with Zend_Pdf
>> started.
>> I wrote a class that could do all the calculations and store the
>> information about all the lines and spacing information.
>> To keep things clean, i decided to overload the drawText function, by
>> extending the Zend_Pdf_Page class and writing my own function.
>> But since the $page object is created form the Zend_Pdf class i had to
>> extend that class too, in order to let it instantiate my new page class.
>> The problem is: both classes are filled with private variables that make
>> extending them impossible. So, i'm left with two options:
>> 1) modifying the Zend Framework classes so they can hadle my new
>> functionality. I don't want this, because then i can never upgrade anymore
>> 2) copying a lot code to my own classes to be able to write the output.
>> this i obviously also don't want.
>> I'm posting this here, to get some feedback. Maybe i'm overlooking some
>> getter/setter functions? Maybe someone can explain to me if this was done
>> intentionaly and why?
>> i don't mind sharing my class btw. is that something i should post here on
>> the mailinglist or is there a better place for that?

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