I'm aware of that. The issues I referred to were actual PHP engine
issues -- array class properties were not returned by reference during
overloading, which made it impossible to proxy to array members with
overloading, and the one workaround, using ArrayObject, failed due to a
bug in ArrayObject shipped in that version. And that's just off the top
of my head. :)

I really wish that distro developers would _listen_ to the feedback of
users of the shipped software. I know that in this particular case, a
number of PHP folk have asked Debian to ship 5.2.1 instead of 5.2.0, but
the package maintainers have outright refused
I completely agree with you, Matthew. I've been shouted down on this particular issue a number of times in discussions. :)
Again, I did just want to allay fears that security may be an issue.

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