Hi there,

I was wondering how it might be possible to use $db->quote() but within a
LIKE statement. Here is my query:

SELECT B.BidRequestID, B.Name, B.MinAmount, B.MaxAmount,
B.BidRequestUniqueID, B.EndBid, B.Views, I.Name as IndustryName
  FROM BidRequests AS B
INNER JOIN Industries AS I ON B.IndustryID = I.IndustryID
WHERE B.Name LIKE '%scripting%' OR B.Description LIKE '%description%'

I'm just using a basic $db->query() statement instead of the ->from ->where
etc. method for now. I want to do something like:

WHERE B.Name LIKE '%" . $db->quote($_GET['name']) . "%' OR B.Description
LIKE '%" . $db->quote($_GET['description']) . "%'

That would basically add an extra quote inside my % thus breaking the query.



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