Hello guys,
I made my first Zend_dojo_form and I have 3 questions so far :)

I've attached file with my signupController.php because its to long to be
posted here. http://www.nabble.com/file/p19441003/signupController.php.txt
Its .txt but you can see whats inside.

I dont know how to do next things:
1. All fields in my form are required. But if you hit Submit button, all
validation are some kind a avoided and i am redirected to my form action
(signup/process). How to prevent form to do this?
My Code:
$footer= new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm();
        $footer->setAttribs(array('name' => 'footerData','legend' =>
'Submit','style' => 'clear:both'));             
                                $footer->addElement('SubmitButton', 'submit', 
        'label' => 'Submit!'
        $form = $form   ->addSubForm($personalData, 'personalData')
2. I also have a 3 checkbox. All 3 must be checked to procced. But form
procced no matter what.
My code:
$agreements= new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm();
        $agreements->setAttribs(array('name' => 'agreements','legend' =>
'Submit','class' => 'agreements'));
        $agreements     ->addElement('checkbox','ages',array('required'
=>true,'checked'=>true,'style'=>'float:left' ,'label'=>'I\'m Over 18 years
old','invalidMessage' => 'You must validate that you are over 18',))
=>true,'checked'=>true,'style'=>'float:left' ,'label'=>'I agree NOT to send
any email promotions promoting this web site','invalidMessage' => 'You must
validate that you are over 18',))
=>true,'checked'=>true,'style'=>'float:left' ,'label'=>'I agree to the Terms
& Conditions','invalidMessage' => 'You must validate that you are over
3. Is there any way to validate a field if i need that this field have a
valid URL address? 
My code:
$personalData->addElement ( 
                                array (                         
                                'label' => 'Main Site URL:', 
                                'lowercase' => 'true', 
                                'maxlength' => 40, 
                                'required' => true, 
                                'invalidMessage' => 'Please enter your web site 
                                'filters' => array (
                                                'StringToLower' ), 
                                'validators' => array (
                                                'NotEmpty',) ) )

4. Is it possible to validate Email address with Zend_Dojo_Form?
My code is like this:
                                'required' => true , 
                                'label' => 'Email address' , 
                                'invalidMessage' => 'Please provide valid Email 
                                'filters' => array('StringTrim', 
                                                'StringToLower') , 
                                'validators' => array('NotEmpty',
array('StringLength', true, array (6, 20 ) ),
array('EmailAddress' , true, array())))

This aint work :)
Can someone help me on this please?
Thanks Vladimir
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