I have a similar setup... Here's what I've done...

In the bootstrap, I loop through all of my modules, and add the models
folder to the inclusion path....

$paths[] = BP . DS . 'app' . DS . 'modules';
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($paths[0]);
foreach($dir as $file){
        if ($file->isDot() || !$file->isDir()) {
    $moduleName    = $file->getFilename();
    $moduleDir         = $file->getPathname();
        if (preg_match('/^[^a-z]/i', $moduleName) || ('CVS' == $moduleName)) {
    $paths[] = $moduleDir.DS.'models';
$paths[] = BP . DS . 'lib';
set_include_path( implode(PS, $paths) . PS . get_include_path());

So, at this point, 


is within my inclusion path.

Now, I create a subfolder within models called Core ( same module name, just
uppercased ).  Lastly, I now place all my models that I want within the core
module, within :


Now, I am able to utilize spl_autoload with the proper syntax ( Core_User ). 
All of my models that are db-base will extend from my lib model (
Project_Db_Table_Abstract ). With this, I have the ability to declare the
tablename as either the classname, or maybe a variation. 

Another cool thing I did, was create something like this:

final class Project
  public static function getModel($classId,$args=array()){
        $classArr = explode('/', trim($classId));
        $group = $classArr[0];
        $class = !empty($classArr[1]) ? $classArr[1] : null;
       $className = $group.'_';
       if (!empty($class)) {
                $className .= '_'.$class;
      $className = uc_words($className);
      if (class_exists($className)) {
            return new $className($args);

So you ask, how does this actually benefit?


kinda cool.

Anyway, I hope this helps a bit.

Ghrae wrote:
> I have a lot of tables in my database.  And I could make a model for each
> one, but at that point, the folder gets a bit unmanageable.  So in the
> effort of organizing it a bit:
> 1) How do I create sub folders under the model folder such that I can use
> the Zend_Loader::loadClass to find and load them?
> 2) some of the tables have underscores (i.e. acl_users).  I would like to
> put all ACL tables in an ACL folder.  At that point I don't care if the
> individual models are named Users or ACL_Users or whatever, as long as
> they are grouped and the name is intuitive.  What naming convention should
> I use for the models once in the sub folders
> 3) Does naming tables with underscores cause any issues with Zend's
> current naming conventions?  And if so, is there a better or different
> naming convention that anyone would like to suggest?
> This is a pet project of mine that I'm reworking in a development
> environment in an effort to learn Zend and teach me better programming
> habits (most of my PHP has been self-taught by using examples across the
> web and most of those do not teach good habits of programming).

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