Hi Olivier,

Olivier Ricordeau wrote:
> Hi list,
> First, I'm wondering if it's possible to have several paginators in the
> same page (I want to display them in the same page, but in different
> tabs). I'm asking this question because the example paginator control
> scripts use $this->previous (for instance), so I was thinking that
> several paginators per page could lead to conflicts. If the answer is
> "no", is there a known workaround?

I've recently implement paginator ( in simple use only 1 element by page ).
I have put it in top and bottom inside my view and I've not found any trouble 
with them.

in the view
<?php echo $this->paginationControl($this->paginator, 'Jumping', 
'paginator.phtml'); ?>

paginator.phtml is like the template found in docs.

> Second question: 
For this one I've no idea ... yet :-)

I have a strange behaviour with the view variables. In
> my controller's init() method I declare a few view variables (ex:
> $this->view->trans = new Translator()) and I can't manage to access them
> in the paginator control script. I've tried to make a var_dump($this)
> and $this has the type MyView (which is fine, MyView is a custom class
> that inherits from Zend_View). But I get an error if I write
> $this->trans->some_method(), telling me "Call to a member function
> some_method() on a non-object"
> NB: Yes, I do a $paginator->setView($this->view) in my controller.
> Cheers,
> Olivier


     Bruno Friedmann

Ioda-Net Sàrl
  2830 Vellerat - Switzerland

  Tél : ++41 32 435 7171
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 Centre de Formation et de Coaching En Ligne

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