My apologies, Patrick. I'm not sure how you sent your reports, but I
never received them. Could you please send me your username in a direct

We are aware of the API docs download issue and will work on it once
we've finished our tasks around ZendCon.

As far as infrastructure and general communication goes, it's certainly
fair to say that the ZF team at Zend doesn't have a perfect track
record. We're always trying to improve, so your feedback is greatly
appreciated. That said, stuff happens. We have 4 guys on the team, and
I'm in charge of Java administration right now; the team and I
unfortunately cannot always make administering the site and tools our
highest priority. We try to deliver the most value to the community that
we can, and sometimes that means that we can't have things go 100% the
way we'd like them to. I try to manage our time and tasks to avoid
inconveniences to the community, but we would get far less done if we
invested our time in the vigorous QA that would be required to make sure
that the kinds of issues you mention never come up. I'd love to hear
people's feedback on this; I have come to the conclusion that most in
the community prefer this MO over the alternative by anecdotal evidence

Please also keep in mind that the ZF community has grown considerably
since the 1.0 release, and judging by several metrics I track on, growth
seems to be accelerating with every new release. While this is great for
the project and the community, it sometimes does make it difficult for
us to answer every communication and address everyone's individual
issues. I'm always interested in any process improvements that might
help us keep up with the growth, so please don't hesitate to make any




From: mbneto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 7:59 AM
To: Patrick Schulz
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Infrastructural problems? Issuetracker,
apidocs etc.


Hi Patrick,

I suppose (hope) things will be back to normal as soon as ZendCon ends.
The ZF/Zend guys were probably focused on finishing the necessary
talks/tools/goals etc.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 5:35 AM, Patrick Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm not sure if there are any infrastructural problems at Zend, but I
noticed that there are some things not going well.
I.e. there are no apidocs downloadable right now. Until the last 1.5
release they were available.
The other thing is, that I cannot report any issues. I have two accounts
(one for my company one for myself) and I cannot create new issues with
both of them.
I created one issue with my business account, but some days later the
permission to report new issues was dropped.
Yes, I was logged in and I also tried to get it working by cleaning the
cache and cookies - nothing helped.
If I'm logged in, I also experience problems when I want to browse the
wiki. I always get "Not permitted" errors/messages until I log out and
browse it anonymously.

I sent two or more emails to the Jira administrators and reported the
problems, but I neither got any response nor the stuff is working.

Sorry for that, but this is not the best way to manage a community...

We at our company are also Zend partners but none of our requests are
heard anyway.
It is all a bit annoying...
...especially for ZF itself.

-- Patrick Schulz


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