I've read about this issue before. I'm no ZF author, but my $.02 is, even though this helps encapsulate your code into modules more precisely, is that it's not good in practice. For one thing it creates files with the same name that might be confusing. It also has multiple versions of the same model, only one of which may be instantiated at a time. My thought is if you run into this problem (as I just did on my current project), then the application architecture requires a different approach. On my current project I decided it made more sense to move all my models out of "app/modules/module-name/models" directories and into "app/models" than to strictly enforce module encapsulation.

If however it is a must that you remain encapsulation and that these modules are dropped into other apps and need to work this way, then I would change the names of your models entirely. The Pages models could then be named AdminPages and UserPages (avoiding the same model name). This would imply the different model classes behave and act differently (and may not require one another).

Good luck,

Eddie Haber
Engineer + Architect
MetaFoundry, LLC

Direct: (917) 865-0494
IM: eddiehaber
URL: http://www.metafoundry.com

On Sep 22, 2008, at 9:08 AM, chrisweb wrote:


I have a noob questions for you ;-) ... i did not know if its better to put this question in the "core" or perhaps "zend_db" folder its why i published it here ... i also searched a lot in the mailinglist archive but did not
find a similar question, sry if its an duplicate :blush:

my website structure is this one:

- application
-- default
--- controllers
---- IndexController.php
--- layout
--- models
---- Pages.php
--- views
---- scripts
----- index
------ index.phtml
-- admin
--- controllers
---- IndexController.php
--- layout
--- models
---- Apages.php
--- views
---- scripts
----- index
------ index.phtml
- library
- public

As you can see it, i have two similar models, the first model is called
Pages.php, the second one has the same name Pages.php

In the beginning i had the following code in Default > controllers >

Zend_Loader::loadClass('Pages', '../application/default/models/');

... and the following code in Admin > controllers > IndexController.php:

Zend_Loader::loadClass('Pages', '../application/admin/models/');

... everything worked fine, but then i wanted to try to use the autoloader
for classes and files

its why i changed my bootstrap file, now its like this (with autoloader):


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// setup directories paths
        get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
        '../library' . PATH_SEPARATOR .
        '../application/default/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR .

require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

// Create registry object and setting it as the static instance in the
Zend_Registry class
$registry = new Zend_Registry();

$dbconfig = new Zend_Config_Ini('../application/config.ini', 'database');

$registry->set('dbconfig', $dbconfig);

// setup database
$db = Zend_Db::factory($dbconfig->db);
$db->query('SET NAMES utf8');

// setup controller
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$registry->set('front', $frontController);

    'default' => '../application/default/controllers',
    'admin'   => '../application/admin/controllers'

$frontController->setParam('useDefaultControllerAlways', true);

$frontController->setRequest(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http());

// setup views
$view = new Zend_View();

// setup Zend Layout

// run!
$frontController->dispatch(); // dispatche!

In default > models > Pages.php i have the following code:

class Pages extends Zend_Db_Table {

  protected $_name = 'pages';  // table name
  protected $_primary = 'id'; // table primary key
  protected $_sequence = true; // if auto increment is on

  public function outputpageslist() {
                $pagesTable = new Pages();
$query = "SELECT id, title FROM pages WHERE actif='1' AND parent='0' ORDER
BY position";
                $db = $pagesTable->getAdapter();
                $result = $db->query($query);
      return $result->fetchAll();

In admin > models > Pages.php i have the following code:

class Pages extends Zend_Db_Table {
  protected $_name = 'pages';  // table name
  protected $_primary = 'id'; // table primary key
  protected $_sequence = true; // if auto increment is on

  public function getpageslist() {
                $pagesTable = new Pages();
$query = "SELECT id, title, date, actif, parent, position FROM pages ORDER
BY position";
                $db = $pagesTable->getAdapter();
                $result = $db->query($query);
                return $result->fetchAll();


The problem is that zend only seems to find the first one (default > models
pages.php), zend does not find the second one (admin > models > pages.php)

I don't understand why, i guess its because zend first looks into Default > models and trys to find a file called Pages.php and then he goes to Admin >
models ...

this is my Default > Controllers > IndexController.php code:

  public function indexAction() {

                $pagesTable = new Pages();
                $outputpageslist = $pagesTable->outputpageslist();
                $this->view->outputpageslist = $outputpageslist;
  } // this works

this is my Admin > Controllers > IndexController.php code:

        function indexAction() {
                $pagesTable = new Pages();
                $pageslist = $pagesTable->getpageslist();
                $this->view->pageslist = $pageslist;
        } this doesn't work: Error

The error message is this one:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Pages::getpageslist() in
C:\xampp\htdocs\website\application\admin\controllers \IndexController.php

As i said before i presume this error is normal, cause zend first goes to Default > modules and if he finds a file called Pages.php here, he won't
open the file Admin > models > Pages.php, is this right?

If a change the name of one of the two models files, for example Admin > models > Pages.php to Admin > models > Adminpages.php it works correctly, no
more error message

Another solution i found, would be to add this code to my bootstrap file:

$module_in_use = $this->_request->getModuleName();

        get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
        '../library' . PATH_SEPARATOR .

(i like this solution because only the class i need is loaded and not all the classes ... but i dont know if it will always work, also with a more
complex website, in every situation, for example if i would use action
stacks or stuff like that ?)

are those really solutions or is the error somewhere before this point, is there one solution which is better then the other? do you have any tips to
avoid such problems in the future? %-|

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