For a bit more background: why do you have site wide layouts inside specific
modules?  Shouldn't modules share the same global layout?


On 9/22/08 9:15 AM, "dele454" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just want to know if one can specify more than one layout path in the
> startMvc function? having something like this:
> Zend_Layout::startMvc(array(
>                                      'layoutPath1' => $config->paths->data .
> '/module1/admin/views/layouts')
>                                      'layoutPath2' => $config2->paths->data
> . '/module2/admin/views/layouts')
> );
> Am asking because since layout.phtml is the default layout to be used except
> if specified otherwise. What if i have the default rendering layout.phtml in
> both folders how then can i let the Front Controller know which layout i am
> referring to in what folder?
> Another question is using different layouts in any of the paths specified.
> Would i have to include a path to the layout i want to use in my controller
> like:
> $this->_helper->layout->setLayout('layoutPath2/layout-edit-mode') ???
> Thanks in advance.
> N.B i just have one path specified at the moment for the module i just
> finished in my bootstrap. I want to use a different layout folder for the
> new module i developing now hence my quest.
> -----
> dee

Ralph Schindler
Software Engineer     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework        |

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