I created a controller plugin to "route" the request to the cms controller.
Has someone suggestions to do this with a router.

class My_Controller_Plugin_CmsRouter extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
     * Routes all (public) request to unknown modules to the standard 
     * Cms module / Page controller
     * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
    public function preDispatch (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
        $dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
        if (! $dispatcher->isDispatchable($request, $request)) {

berthausmans wrote:
> I'm building a small CMS and i want to create a router to route the
> request to the right module/controller. Below a list with some valid urls:
> # http://www.domain.com/rss/
>     module = rss
>     controller = index
>     action = index
> # http://www.domain.com/system/sitemap/google/
>     module = system
>     controller = sitemap
>     action = google
> # http://www.domain.com/news/archive/
>     module = cms
>     controller = page
>     action = index
>     url = /news/archive/
>     page_id = 1 (search in database by url)
> (news is no module, if there's a page '(/news/archive/)' available route
> to the cms module)
> #
> http://www.domain.com/news/archive/item/the-item-alias-in-the-database/param2/value2/
>     module = cms
>     controller = page
>     action = index
>     url = /news/archive/
>     page_id = 1 (search in database by url)
>     item = the-item-alias-in-the-database
>     param2 = value2
> (news is no module, if there's a page '(/news/archive/)' available route
> to the cms module)
> Is it possible to create a router/route(s) to handle above url's? I've
> already tried a number of implementations, but I have not succeeded.
> Who can help me?

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