This is an excerpt from an email on the fw-mvc list sent on 21 Aug 2008:

$url = $this->_view->baseUrl() . '/css/blueprint/ie.css';
$this->_view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($url, 'screen,projection', 'IE 7');

This outputs:

<!--[if IE 7]>.....<!-- [endif] -->

Jeremy Brown
Senior Web Developer
Spear One

From: Isaak Malik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 2:23 PM
Subject: [fw-general] No conditional comment support for headScript?

How come conditional comments are not supported for headscripts? Next to CSS 
this method is also commonly used with JavaScript code/files, a common example 
is the PNG background fix.

Are there any plans for this or will I have to force my lazy fingers to keep 
typing the extra characters?

Thank you
Isaak Malik
Web Developer

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