There are a lot of other elements in the form though so it's not either the image or the whole form. The file upload is just one of 10 elements. It seems like an element decorator should work. But make a custom one or utilize a built-in one? I don't want to take over the directions decorator for example because that can't be best form.

On Oct 3, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

Sorry, that didn't come through quite right. See instead.

Matthew Lurz wrote:

I wouldn't include the image in the form at all actually. Instead I would just wrap a conditional around a div in the view script. Something like:

<? if (this->image): ?>

<div> "<?= $this- image->src ?>"></div>

<? endif ?>

<?= $this->form ?>

Edward Haber wrote:

That does sound like a better solution to me. Also, the link in the
form could frustrate some users if they've partially completed the
form then delete the image. Thanks for your comments.

So then the best solution appears to be a decorator.

On Oct 3, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

In that case why not forego the remove action and the additional
form logic
and just display the form regardless of whether the image exists.
When the
user uploads a new image it would replace the existing one. Just
since it seems like the user would have to jump through an extra
hoop to
remove the image in order to upload a new one. The less a user does
or has
to do the better.

Edward Haber wrote:

Here's the solution I came up with. Thanks for all the input and help on this problem. This solution involves using a conditional statement
in Zend_Form to create one of two element types. When the image is
present the view helper decorator replaces the form element with the
image and a link to a remove action. The view helper is below and
still be tweaked a bit but it should give the overall idea. This form class snippet has all the other elements removed from it for clarity

class MyForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
        public function __construct($options = null)

                $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
->addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 'element')
                        ->setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
                        ->setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

                 * image_name
                if ($options['image_id']) {

                        $this->addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
                                'label' => 'Image',
                                'description' => 'To upload another photo 
delete this one
                                'attribs' => array(
'imgSrc' => URL . '/media/articles/' . $options['image_id'] .
                                                'action' => URL . 
'/admin/article/drop-image/' .
                                'decorators' => array(
                                                array('ViewHelper', array('helper' 
=> 'mediaImage')),
                                                array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 
                                                array('Label', array('tag' => 
                } else {
                        $this->addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
                                'label' => 'Upload an image',
                                'destination' => AP . 
                                'required' => true,
                                'validators' => array(
                                                array('Size', '500Kb'),
                                                array('ImageSize', array(10, 
10, 1024, 768)),
                                                array('Extension', array('jpg', 

(other form elements removed)

Then I use this helper:

class MF_View_Helper_MediaImage
public function mediaImage($fieldname, $value = "", $attribs = null)
                $imgSrc = $attribs['imgSrc'];
                $action = $attribs['action'];
                $class = isset($attribs['class']) ? $attribs['class'] : 'image-
                return <<<OUTPUT
                         $imgSrc  |  $action Delete

This will pretty much be a reusable solution for the four CMS media
subdirectories of image content and seems to work just fine. Happy
any comments.


On Oct 3, 2008, at 8:12 AM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

I would keep the image separate from the form unless you have a good
not to. Then the logic is simple. Display the image if it exists, if
then display the form. Of course you would need an action to delete
image so that the form could be redisplayed.

Edward Haber wrote:

Definitely view logic. Good call. Still I'm uncertain though
I'm working with an extended Zend_Form class. Perhaps I should
make a
custom Form Element? Or a custom Form Decorator? Or use the view

helper decorator for just that element? I'd love to hear the Zend
practice take on this solution.


On Oct 2, 2008, at 10:50 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

Sounds like view logic to me and so I would add a conditional in

Edward Haber wrote:

I have a form that I want offer an image upload form element on.
has worked great using Zend_Form_Element_File. The upload works
What is the recommended way to have the uploaded image replace
upload form if an image exists? I don't need the solution coded,
the direction I should go.

For example, I have the form as a class. SHould I pass the image
(if one exists) in the config array to the form? In the form i
then check for $config['imageName'] and if it exists display the
in place of the form element. This is another trick - how do
an image in a form?

Is the answer toggling in the form class between the form element
an image? Or using CSS to display the image if it's there and
the form (display:none for example).

I'm just looking for best practice. I'm sure lots of people have
already confronted this situation. Any input much appreciated!


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