
Tried several ways to fix the issue. None of them worked so far.

Can anybody give me a clue?

Hi all,

I have a custom js script in which I am trying to create an input element with filteringSelect widget when clicked on a button. I have tested the script with just an HTML file and it works great. However, I'm lost when trying to integrate the same functionality to the application which uses Zend_Dojo. In this particular page, there are other input elements with filteringSelect widget created by Zend_Form_Dojo that also work well.

Here is my view script:
------------view script---------------------------------------------------------------
   echo $this->form;
//what follows below is another form to test the functionality
<form name="moreFields" id="moreFields" method="post" action="">
      <div id="moreInput">
        <input type="button" onclick="moreWidgets()" value="More"/>
<input type="hidden" name="totalProducts" id="totalProducts" value="">
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
------------view script---------------------------------------------------------------

I have the following snippet in the layout script
---------------------------layout script---------------------------------------------------
         echo $this->dojo()->addStylesheetModule('dijit.themes.tundra');
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/bizsense.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/custom/purchase.js" ></script> ---------------------------layout script---------------------------------------------------

The custom js script - /js/custom/purchase.js ollows:
--------------------custom js script----------------------------------------------------------

var counter = 0;
       function moreWidgets() {
           var stateSelect = new Array();
           list = stateSelect[counter];
           var filteringSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
{ id: stateSelect[counter], name: "productId[" + counter + "]", searchAttr: "productName"
             }, "list");
newStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({url: '/product/jsonlist'});
           filteringSelect.store = newStore;
//Create quantity and append it to the form var quantity = document.createElement("input");
           quantity.setAttribute("type", "text");
           quantity.setAttribute("name", "quantity[" + counter + "]");
           quantity.setAttribute("width", "50px");
           quantity.setAttribute("size", "5");

//Create price and append it to the form var price = document.createElement("input");
           price.setAttribute("type", "text");
           price.setAttribute("name", "price[" + counter + "]");
           price.setAttribute("width", "50px");
           price.setAttribute("size", "5");

           var lineBreak = document.createElement("br");

           //Set total
        //   dojo.byId("totalProducts").value = counter;
          dojo.addOnLoad(function() { moreWidgets()})

--------------------custom js script----------------------------------------------------------

When the function moreWidgets() is called, it is unable to create the filteringSelect widget. If I comment out the lines that create and append filteringSelect, the function works well. It also creates the other price and quantity elements when the filteringSelect lines are commented. But the script halts when the filteringSelect lines are uncommented.

I get the message
"root is null
si = root.selectedIndex; file /js/dojo...mboBox.js (line 1051)" in firebug console.

How do I get the script to create new element with filteringSelect widget?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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