-- Rob Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Thursday, 16 October 2008, 09:44 AM +0100):
> On 14 Oct 2008, at 20:52, Wil Sinclair wrote:
>> It should also be mentioned that this is something that was identified
>> in the initial performance tests. Matthew will be doing much more
>> performance testing in the next few weeks, so we will hopefully  
>> deliver
>> more performance enhancements with the 1.7 production release.
> Are the performance tests and the results of them written up anywhere?
> I'd be interested to see how they correlate with testing of my  
> applications, so the testing methodology used would be useful.

I'll be writing them up following the 1.7.0 release. Some of the tools
we're using are not publically released yet, so any writeup I do now
will not be immediately reproducible.

The basic idea, however, is along these lines:

  * Write a series of requests to execute
  * Benchmark that series of requests
  * Profile each request, and examine what pieces take longest
  * Tweak the code
  * Benchmark again
  * Compare original and secondary benchmark to see if noticable
    improvements were made
  * Lather, rinse, and repeat

The benchmarking and profiling tools are custom, and those are the
reason I cannot do a meaningful writeup yet.

The requests I'm executing are against the bug application I wrote for
the Dutch PHP Conference workshop I did. Currently, I have it visit a
landing page, the login form, submit credentials, and view a bug listing
page. This allows me to test a typical user visit to the site, and also
allows me to test several expensive operations. I will be writing
several more request profiles to ensure we cover things such as search,
insert/update of databases, translation, etc.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework           | http://framework.zend.com/

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