I have an application that uses Zend_Pdf to output data that has been
entered through a web form and stored in an Oracle database. The PDF is not
correctly ouputting diacritical marks, such as accents, that have been
entered through the web form.

For example, a lower-case e with an accent (as in the last letter of Jose)
outputs in the PDF as an upper-case A with a tilde, followed by the
copyright symbol.

All of my web application pages are encoded as ISO-8859-1, the Oracle DB is
encoded as US7ASCII, and I'm specifying ISO-8859-1 as the output encoding
for the PDF class.

The accent marks in question output to the browser correctly when they are
retrieved from the database, so the database encoding doesn't seem to be a
problem from that perspective.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


Paul Grotevant / Web Technologies Team
ITS Applications / University of Texas at Austin

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