Anyone have an ideas on this? Im still stuck...

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Ian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having problems using Zend Cache and Service Flickr. The problem is
> that the array I get before caching is very different from the cache. Any
> ideas as to what im doing wrong? Here is my code:
> require_once('Zend/Loader.php');
> Zend_Loader::registerAutoload();
> Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Cache');
> Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Service_Flickr');
> Zend_Loader::loadClasS('Zend_Service_Flickr_ResultSet');
> /* Setup cache options */
> $frontendOptions = array(
>     'caching' => true,
>    'lifetime' => 600, // cache lifetime of 10 minutes
>    'automatic_serialization' => true
> );
> $backendOptions = array(
>     'cache_db_complete_path' => '/cache/cache.sqlite'
> );
> /* Init both vars */
> $cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'Sqlite', $frontendOptions,
> $backendOptions);
> $flickr = new Zend_Service_Flickr('');
> if(!$results = $cache->load('flickrcache'))
> {
>     $results = $flickr->groupPoolGetPhotos('');
>     $cache->save($results, 'flickrcache');
> }
> The print_r now shows this when retreived from cache:
> Zend_Service_Flickr_ResultSet Object
> (
>     [totalResultsAvailable] => 215
>     [totalResultsReturned] => 10
>     [firstResultPosition] => 1
>     [_results:protected] => DOMNodeList Object
>         (
>         )
>     [_flickr:private] => Zend_Service_Flickr Object
>         (
>             [apiKey] =>
>             [_restClient:protected] => Zend_Rest_Client Object
>                 (
>                     [_data:protected] => Array
>                         (
>                         )
>                     [_uri:protected] => Zend_Uri_Http Object
>                         (
>                             [_username:protected] =>
>                             [_password:protected] =>
>                             [_host:protected] =>
>                             [_port:protected] => 80
>                             [_path:protected] => /services/rest/
>                             [_query:protected] =>
>                             [_fragment:protected] =>
>                             [_regex:protected] => Array
>                                 (
>                                     [alphanum] => [^\W_]
>                                     [escaped] => (?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})
>                                     [mark] => [-_.!~*'()\[\]]
>                                     [reserved] => [;\/?:@&=+$,]
>                                     [unreserved] => (?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])
>                                     [segment] => 
> (?:(?:(?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})|[:@&=+$,;])*)
>                                     [path] => 
> (?:\/(?:(?:(?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})|[:@&=+$,;])*)?)+
>                                     [uric] => 
> (?:[;\/?:@&=+$,]|(?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2}))
>                                 )
>                             [_scheme:protected] => http
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
>     [_currentIndex:private] => 0
> )
> And this when loaded originally:
> Zend_Service_Flickr_ResultSet Object
> (
>     [totalResultsAvailable] => 215
>     [totalResultsReturned] => 10
>     [firstResultPosition] => 1
>     [_results:protected] => DOMNodeList Object
>         (
>         )
>     [_flickr:private] => Zend_Service_Flickr Object
>         (
>             [apiKey] =>
>             [_restClient:protected] => Zend_Rest_Client Object
>                 (
>                     [_data:protected] => Array
>                         (
>                         )
>                     [_uri:protected] => Zend_Uri_Http Object
>                         (
>                             [_username:protected] =>
>                             [_password:protected] =>
>                             [_host:protected] =>
>                             [_port:protected] => 80
>                             [_path:protected] => /services/rest/
>                             [_query:protected] =>
>                             [_fragment:protected] =>
>                             [_regex:protected] => Array
>                                 (
>                                     [alphanum] => [^\W_]
>                                     [escaped] => (?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})
>                                     [mark] => [-_.!~*'()\[\]]
>                                     [reserved] => [;\/?:@&=+$,]
>                                     [unreserved] => (?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])
>                                     [segment] => 
> (?:(?:(?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})|[:@&=+$,;])*)
>                                     [path] => 
> (?:\/(?:(?:(?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})|[:@&=+$,;])*)?)+
>                                     [uric] => 
> (?:[;\/?:@&=+$,]|(?:[^\W_]|[-_.!~*'()\[\]])|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2}))
>                                 )
>                             [_scheme:protected] => http
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
>     [_currentIndex:private] => 0
> )
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks
> Ian

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