In a global config file I have setup my zend session options:

<!-- config snippet -->
        <!-- Remember session for one month -->

<!-- end config snippet -->

 * Set the Zend session options (global config)

In my bootstrap I am passing my zend session db information to the session

     * Zend Session handling will be turned over to the database instead of
the file
     * system.
   * NOTE: this config is also passed to Zend_Db_Table so anything specific
   * to the table can be put in the config as well
    $sessionConfig = array(
        'name'              => 'sjcrh_session', //table name as per
        'primary'           => array(
            'session_id',   //the sessionID given by php
            'save_path',    //session.save_path
            'name'         //session name
        'primaryAssignment' => array( //you must tell the save handler which
columns you
                                      //are using as the primary key. ORDER
            'sessionId',          //first column of the primary key is of
the sessionID
            'sessionSavePath',    //second column of the primary key is the
save path
            'sessionName'        //third column of the primary key is the
session name
        'modifiedColumn'    => 'modified',     //time the session should
        'dataColumn'        => 'session_data', //serialized data
        'lifetimeColumn'    => 'lifetime',     //end of life for a specific

     * Tell Zend_Session to use your Save Handler

Everything works great at this point.  I can start my sessions (user login)
and see the information in the database.  My question is how do I get the
session lifetime to change from the default, 1440 seconds, to the
remember_me_seconds, 2592000.

In my login script I check to see if a user as selected the "remember me"
checkbox so their session TTL is extended.

I have tried a variety of ways, but when I query the lifetime column it
still remains 1440.


Cory Wiles

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